About The Owner.... Poetry Blender

Hi all! Hey, I'm the owner of this blog! Okay, let me tell you something 'bout me....

My fullname is (deleted). I'm usually called as Charlotte.  I'm now 9 years old (March 5, 2011). I'm almost 10, on the 24th May. I have a younger brother who's funny and little of naughty.  He's 3 years old this day (March 5, 2011). He'll be 4 on the next 10th of June. 

Okay, I live in Semarang, Indonesia. But I'm not telling you where (exactly)! That home was special. It has three gardens. The first one is on the front, the second is on the right side of my house, and the thrid one is on the back. The backyard is a place where my dog, Winter, plays all day long.

Well, I'm schooling in a school far from my home. Yeah, I has best friends. They are Cia, Giona, Olivia, and Veve. Okay, maybe you have best friends, but I has: BFF or BEST FRIENDS FOREVER! They're Celine and Patricia (or Tricia). When I was just a first-grader, we were also on a class together. 

I'm befriending with Celine first. She's nice and always wants to help. But then, on the second grade, Celine went to another class. So then, I'm befriending with Tricia. But I think my true BFF is Giona. Eventhough we're not having good friendships in the first 'till third grade, she's the only girl who's together with me in a class since first grade 'till now (foruth grade). Oh wait, a boy named Ethan was also in a class with me. 

Alright, I'll tell about my neighborhood. Actually, I'v enever been outside playin' with my neighbors. Yeah, I hate sunlight (HOT!!) I couldn't accept the hot weather. So I' playin' inside, wathcin' TVs and have some times with the internet. Oops (I forget to tell you that...), I also play with my dog, inside. Because I'm an indoor girl, I didn't know much about my neighbors. I've only know few of their names. Hiihihiiii....

Now it's the time for me to tell you 'bout the "history" of this blog.

I made this blog last January 2011 in my mom's office. I used my mom's computer to made thi blog. Well, I made this on purpose.... 

Okay, I'm on a hurry so GOOD BYE, SEE U SOON!!!!