Minggu, 20 Februari 2011


Hi friends! You know hopscotch? Let's read an article 'bout it!

Hopscotch is a wonderful hopping game that can be played on a bare patch of ground or on a floor indoors. There are hundreds of variations of the diagram that can be drawn. Use your favorite version to have children play.

Use chalk to draw a hopscotch pattern on the ground or use masking tape on a floor. Create a
diagram with 8 sections and number them. Each player has a marker such as a stone, beanbag,
bottlecap, shell, button, etc.

The first player stands behind the starting line to toss her or his marker in square 1. Hop over
square 1 to square 2 and then continue hopping to square 8, turn around, and hop back again. Pause in square 2 to pick up the marker, hop in square 1, and out. Then continue by tossing the stone in square 2. All hopping is done on one foot unless the hopscotch design is such that two squares are side-by-side. Then two feet can be placed down with one in each square. A player must always hop over any square where a maker has been placed.

A player is out if the marker fails to land in the proper square, the hopper steps on a line, the
hopper looses balance when bending over to pick up the marker and puts a second hand or foot
down, the hopper goes into a square where a marker is, or if a player puts two feet down in a
single box. The player puts the marker in the square where he or she will resume playing on the
next turn, and the next player begins.

Sometimes a dome-shaped "rest area" is added on one end of the hopscotch pattern where the
player can rest for a second or two before hopping back through.

Taken from:

Shake It Up!

Hi friends! There will be a new TV series in Disney Channel Asia. It's the Shake It Up!
This series is created by Chris Thompson and stars Bella Throne as Cecelia "Cece" Jones and Zandaya as Raquel "Rocky" Blue.

This TV series revolves around  the adventures of the bestfriends; CeCe Jones and Rocky Blue, who with the help of their longtime friend with connections, Deuce Martinez (Adam Irigoyen), fulfill their dreams of becoming professional dancers when they land roles as dancers on a local show, "Shake It Up Chicago." Cece and Rocky deal with everyday life, adapting and maintaining their social status at school while dealing with watching CeCe's little brother, Flynn (Davis Cleveland), and the antics of their TV show which includes their matching the skills of their competition, notably brother and sister, Gunther and Tinka (Kenton Duty and Caroline Sunshine). The show also has storylines which include Deuce and Rocky's brother Ty (Roshon Fegan), both of whom have dance skills.  


A Poem By Langston Hughes

Hi friends! The poem "April Rain Song" is made by Langston Hughes. Do you know the lyrics?  Here it goes:

Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby

The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night

And I love the rain.

Louis Braille

Louis Braille was born in town near Paris, France in 1809. As a toddler he used to watch his father make shoes. One day, while his father was not watching, he picked up a sharp pointed tool for making holes in leather called an awl. The awl slipped, piercing his eye and damaging it beyond repair. The other eye became infected and before long Louis Braille was completely blind.

At the age of 10 Louis was sent to a school for blind children in Paris. Children were taught to read and write using a system of raised letters. This system was difficult to use as it was hard to tell the letters apart. One day a soldier called Charles Barbier visited the school. He had developed a system for reading messages in the dark based upon a series of raised dots. Louis Braille realised the potential of this system and developed it so that it could be used for blind people.

Louis Braille's system was not accepted at first. One Headteacher even banned the children from using it but this only spurred them on to learn it in secret. Soon the benefits of the new system were realised.
When Louis Braille grew up he became a teacher at the school in which he was a student. It was not until after his death, however, that his system was widely adopted. Today, Braille is used in almost every country in the world.

Here's the Braille Alphabet:


Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

A Problem With My Little Brother!!!

my brother in my school
Hi! Do you have any brother or maybe sister? Do he/she loves to tease you and annoys you? I think it's just so usual. I also have a little brother. His name is Noah and now he's 3,5 years old. I and my brother usually fight together. Because he took my properties and doesn't want to tell the truth. 

But it's just so fun. Since my brother is younger than me, so he usually do what I ask him to do. If he don't, I will not playing with him. (Ha ha ha.... It's just so evil right?) 

He usually tells jokes and laughs. But I don't really get what does he means with his jokes. I'm also confused when someone laughs when his joke isn't funny at all. But, I still like my brother. 

Do you know Disney's PHINEAS AND FERB? It's a cartoon series about two step-brothers that makes any inventions by their own. Their older sister; Candace, is easily freaking out and always tries busting the boys. I think my habit is like Candace; I like to freak out and bust my brother. But the difference is that my brother is always busted. 

By the way, in "Phineas and Ferb Gets Busted!", there is a song about the brothers. The title is Little Brothers. Here's the lyric: 

Little Brother,
I remember when you first came home,
Then came another,
little brother of our own.
Even when you break my toys,                                                
you will always be my
Little Brothers,
Cause you're younger, we're related, and you're boys.
Even when you're making too much noise,
you will always be my
Little Brothers,
Cause you're younger, we're related, and you're boys
Little Brothers,
Little Brothers,
Little Brothers... 


A Solution of My Problem

Hi friends! Do you all know, today (19th Feb 2011) I'm just so confused. Why? Because I'm thinking of any book(s) to be written about in this blog! But, it makes me dizzy because there are so many I  books that I have (then I should select it and summarize it) . Suddenly (I've got this idea just now), I have a brilliant idea. The idea is: TELLING YOU WHAT BOOKS DO I LIKE! Well, it sounds good enough right? But there's a major problem! The problem is (I've got this problem when I wrote the beginning of this posting): I don't know what books I like. Because, remember, I have lots and lots of books in my mini library upstairs and my bookshelf. And I think I like all books except the books with a very scary story and messy paintings.Well, I'll tell you three top of my favorites. 

1. PRINCESS POOH is about Patty Jean that have a sister Penelope "Penny". Penny is cared a lot with her parents; that's what Patty thought. Patty called Penny Princess Pooh because she always sit on a wheelchair like a throne. But then, Patty knows that her parents loved her so much!

2. JUST A DREAM is about Walter, a litterbug, that learns that people need to remember about their environment and taking care of it. I had an posting about it in this blog.

3. The Evergreen is about a group of kids with their adventure to save a kid that was kidnapped. It uses Indonesian language and is written by Ninis. Published by Dar! Mizan Publisher. I also have a posting about it.

Well, that's all I want to share with u all. And please enjoy!!!



Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

A Very Environmental Book

This book title is Just A Dream. This book is written and illustrated by Chris Van Allsburg.

This book tells about Walter, a litterbug, that doesn’t understand why his neighbor, Rose, was proud for her birthday present; a tree. He never throws trash into the correct garbage cans, even though the garbage cans have been  labeled as CANS, PLASTICS, and OTHERS. He was always hurrying to watch his favorite TV series, which tell about planes and robots everywhere in the future. One night, he dreamed…….
   He was on a garbage dump! Then, he was on another scary place alone…. Where it can be? And, how can it be?  Let’s read this book to know the end of the story!


Hi friends! Do you know anything 'bout Twitches Too? It's the sequel of the first movie; Twitches. Let's found more about it here!

Do you know what's TWITCHES means? It means: TWIN WITCHES

The story is about: 
Camryn (Apolla) and Alex (Artemis) is needed to go back to Coventry. Because their father, Aron, is said that he's still alive in the Shadowsland.

There was a shadow that kept giving the girls clues. Alex thought that he was Aron, not Thantos. So she planned to said the different spell from Karsh and Ileana had thought to them. But Alex was wrong and she brings Thantos back. 

If Thantos is not destroyed, the Coventry and Shadowlands would perish. With their abilities, the girls could destroy Thantos even though Thantos was almost not destroyed. 

And by the end of the movie Aron, Miranda (queen of Coventry; the girls' mom), Camryn, and Alex lived hapily ever after.

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Making A Windmill

Things You'll Need:

  • Square piece of paper 
  • Pencil Push pin Scissors
  1. First, fold the piece of paper diagonally and make a crease. Fold the paper again in the opposite direction and make another crease. For instance, line the bottom left corner up with the upper right-hand corner. Make the crease with your fingernail. The second fold will be bringing the lower right-hand corner with the upper left-hand corner. Another crease is made.
  2. Unfold both sides. You now have your guidelines for cutting the paper. The paper should be creased in a perfect "X."
  3. Use the scissors to cut along each crease. Cut all the way up until you are within 1 inch of the corner.
  4. Color the front side of the paper with the markers. Turn it over and color the other side with a different color of marker.
  5. Starting at the lower right-hand corner, bring the corners to the center of the paper. Hold all the corners in place with your finger. Hold the pencil behind the piece of paper with the eraser tip lined up with your finger that is holding the corners.
  6. Stick the pin through the center of the paper where the corners are. Keep pushing the pin so that it goes through the eraser.
  7. Take the windmill outside and watch it spin in the wind.

You're done!