Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China

Hi! Have you ever seen the Great Wall of China? It is the longest great wall in the whole world. It is located in China.  When did they built that? How long is the Great Wall and how long did they built that? But the most important thing is WHY did they built that? So let's read these article  below to know the answer of each questions! ;)
Map of the Great Wall of China
  1. When was the Great Wall was built?
It is said that the Great Wall was built around 221 B.C. The earliest Great Wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (around 1368-1644), when Emperor Qin ruled.

2. How long is the Great Wall of China?
It was around 6.000 kilometers. But when it was measured, the total was 50.000 kilometers! Isn't it great?

3. How long did they built that?
The Great Wall of China was built for over so many years. The Great Wall of China that was  built during the Ming Dynasty was actually built for over 200 years!

4. Why did they built that?     
It is believed that the Great Wall of China purpose was built to protect The Great Wall Of China  the country from the Northern tribes (such as the Mongols).                 

Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Crafty Arts: Recycling Things From Cereal Boxes

Hi, friends! Do you have a breakfast with cereal? And don't you throw the cereal boxes? Why don't you recycle it so it can rduce global warming? Here, I give you some ways to recycle those cereal boxes!

 1. Magazine Holder: We can use it as a magazine holder with some few cuts and some wrap papers.  Here's how you'll do it:
First, prepare a large box of cereal (so magazines and newspapers are fit to it), a pencil, a scissor, a tape, and some wrap papers. Trace the box like the shape of the image shown. Then cut the box from the top of the box (not upside down) to the end of the traced line. 
Then, cut the wrap papers according to the shape of the box and stick it to the box.
Do you know,  that you're done? So have some fun with this creative and eco-green crafty idea!

2. Handbag: A cereal box can be transformed into a handbag? Let's check this out now!
The first thing you need to have are:
1) A cereal box 
2) Wrap Papers
3) Hole Puncher
4) Glue stick or double tapes
5) Two ribbons
6) Scissor

First, you cut the top flaps of the cereal box.
Then, you wrap the box with the wrap papers with the gllue stick or the double tapes.
Don't forget to punch holes on the top of the cereal box, two holes on each sides. Thread the ribbons through the holes and knot it inside. 
And the instant handbag of yours is done!



Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

My Favorite Songs

Hi! I have favorite songs as you do. Let's check my list that contains lyrics and music videos. I hope you enjoy it.

One and the Same- Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato
Hey! Hey! Hey!
La la la la la
Hey! Hey! Hey!
La la la la la

You come from here, I come from there
You rock out in your room, I rock a world premiere
We're more alike than anybody could ever tell
(Ever tell)

Friday we're cool, Monday we're freaks
Sometimes we rule, sometimes we can't even speak
But we can get up and let loose and LOL

It may seem cliché for me to wanna say
That you're not alone
(That you're not alone)
And you can call me uncool but it's a simple fact
I got your back, yeah yeah yeah!

'Cause we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
I think we're almost legendary

You and me, the perfect team
Chasing down the dream
We're one and the same!

Hey! Hey! Hey!
La la la la la

I'm kinda like you, you're kinda like me
When we write the same song in a different key
It's got a rhythm you and me can get along
(Get along)

It may seem cliché for me to wanna say
That you're not alone
(Here I go again)
And you can call me uncool but it's a simple fact
I still got your back, yeah!

'Cause we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
I think we're almost legendary

You and me, the perfect team
Shaking up the scene
We're one and the same!

'Cause we're one and the same
We're anything but ordinary
One and the same
We're so good, more than momentary!

'Cause we're one
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah)
'Cause we're one
(I think we're almost legendary)
We're anything but ordinary!

You and me, the perfect team
Chasing down the dream, oh
You and me, the perfect team
Shaking up the scene
We're one and the same!

Hey! Hey! Hey!
La la la la la
Hey! Hey! Hey!


I Thought I Lost You- Miley Cyrus feat. John Travolta
Nobody listens to me
Don’t hear a single thing I've said,
Say anything to soothe me,
Anything to get you from my head
Don’t know how I really feel
To fake the days and make it like I don’t care
Don’t know how much it hurts
to turn around like u were never there
Like somehow you could be the break
And I could walk away from the promises we made
And swore we’d never break

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

I felt so empty out there
And there were days I had my doubts
But I knew I found you somewhere
'cause I knew I couldn't live without
You in my life for one more day
I swore I never break the promises we made

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

I've told myself I wouldn't sleep till
I searched the world from sea to sea

I made a wish upon a star
I turned around and there you were

Now here we are

Here we are
I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you, too

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you


I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I’d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart you'd come back for me, my friend
And now I got you
I thought I lost you

But I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too

So then I got you got you
So then I got you

I thought I lost you

I thought I lost you too 



Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011

My Fave Cartoons

Phineas and Ferb

This is my most favorite cartoon... It's Disney's Phineas and Ferb!!! This cartoon is about Phineas and Ferb, two brothers, that always make summer becomes the most fun day ever. Candace, their older sister, always trying to bust them. But it always fails. Perry, their platypus pet, always being away during the evening. You know why? He was actually a secret agent, called Agent P. He fights with an evil Dr. Heinz Doofensmirtz. So you wanna know what they do this summer? Check this out in Disney Channel and Disney Channel XD! It would be great....

Kick Buttowski

You know who he is? He's Kick Buttowski! He's the ultimate stuntboy, a suburban daredevil who's an expert on playing skateboard. His best friend, Gunther, helps him doing his ultimate stunts. Do yo know, Kick Buttowski has enemies and his one and only greatest fan? The enemies are Brad, Brianna (just a slight of dislike), Kendall Perkins, Glenn, Pantsie, Mrs. Chicarelli and Oskar her dog, and Ronaldo. His one and only great fan is "Wacky" Jackie Wackerman.
Vicky and Johnny

This cartoon is very unique. The characters don't speak and they all walk with spring below their legs. That is why they live in the Springtown. 
Vicky and Johnny are the main characters here.They are a pair of spring toy. They have different ideas and minds in every situations they have. But they don't give up. So they can get their best achievement even though Johnny is destined to loose and Vicky with her tomboy character is destined to win.


Bernard Bear

Bernard Bear adalah kartun 3D bisu buatan Korea Selatan, tetapi dibantu oleh Spanyol dan Perancis. Bernard dan teman-temanna tidak pernah berbicara, tetapi mengeluarkan suara perasaan seperti saat Bernard tertawa. Ia mengatakan "aihihihihi" yang sangat menggemaskan. 

Bernard adalah seekor beruang kutub. Bernard selalu membuat masalah dan dia adalah pencari masalah. Misalnya saat di pergi ke museum. Dia mengayun-ayunkan sebuah batu yang berisisi prasati yang di gantung dengan dua rantai, sampai-sampai salah satu rantai itu terlepas. 

Teman-teman Bernard tidak terlalu aneh seperti Bernard. Mereka adalah Lloyd dan Eva si penguin, Zack si kadal, Goliat si cihuahua, Sam si bayi manusia, Pilot si anjing, dan Pokey  si landak. 

Bernard Bear tayang di MNCtv (dulu TPI) pada jam 18:00.  

The Evergreen

Informasi Bibliografi                                                             

Citra dan Kakaknya menang dalam sebuah kompetisi. Lalu mereka mendapatkan hadiah bercamping. Merekapun berangkat ke Grand Field Hotel dimana camping itu dimaksud.                                                                    
Disana, Citra membuat sebuah tim. Di tim itu ada Citra, Jeanie, Nunu, Andre, Dennis, dan Lola. Mereka memilih nama tim, dan akhirnya adalah Evergreen.                                                                                             

Mereka mempunyai petualangan seru disana. Tapi, petualangan asli mereka baru mulai saat mereka bertemu dengan anak misterius bernama Nuky.
Lalu apa yang terjadi? Apa mereka bisa menyelamatkan Nuky dari bahaya? Baca terus buku ini untuk tahu akhir dari ceritanya!

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

Si Kembar Karen dan Kimmy

Walaupun mereka kembar, mereka sangatlah berbeda. Merekalah Karen dan Kimmy. 
Karen yang berambut ikal dan coklat sangatlah rajin, baik hati, dan suka menolong. Ia biasa melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga dan membereskan tempat tidurnya.
Kimmy yang berambut pirang dan lurus sangatlah malas dan egois. Setiap hari dia bangun telat karena malamnya bermain game console 7 jam non-stop dan hanya duduk diam di depan televisi berjam-jam.
“Kimmy, cobalah menjadi seperti adikmu, Karen. Dia sangat mandiri. Tidak seperti kamu. Nanti saat kamu dewasa kamu akan kena batunya!” bentak ibu di mimpinya Kimmy. Kimmy sangatlah kaget, tapi dia hanya menyepelekannya. “Hah! Itu hanyalah mimpi. Tidak mungkin terjadi.” Katanya dalam hati.
“Karen, pertahankan kemandirianmu dan jangan menjadi seperti kakakmu, Kimmy. Dia tidak tahu apa yang ia lakukan selama ini. Dia akan kena batunya dewasa nanti.” ucap ibu di dalam mimpinya. “Oh, tidak! Kakakku akan kena masalah saat dewasa nanti. Aku harus beritahu dia segera!” katanya dalam hati.
Esok harinya saat mereka sarapan pagi, Karen mengingatkan Kimmy, kakaknya. “Kak, tadi malam, aku bermimpi. Di mimpiku ibu bilang kalau kamu tidak berubah, kamu akan kena batunya dewasa nanti!” ucap Karen. “Aaah... Aku juga bermimpi seperti itu. Tapi itu tidak mungkin! Itu hanyalah mimpi...” kata Kimmy santai.

Beberapa tahun telah berlalu. Mereka sudah 21 tahun dan sudah kuliah. Merka kuliah di dua kota berbeda, sama-sama jauhnya dengan rumah mereka yang dulu. Karen dan Kimmy tinggal di rumah kos, dan mereka harus melakukan semua pekerjaan rumah tangga sendiri.
Karen, yang dari dulu suka membantu ibu melakukan pekerjaan rumah tangga, ia bisa mencuci baju dan piring dan memasak dengan baik. Sedangkan Kimmy yang selalu malas-malasan tidak tahu caranya dan akhirnya dia sadar bahwa dia kena batunya. Tapi semua sudah terlanjur, maka ia bersusah payah meminta bantuan teman satu kosnya untuk membantunya memasak, mencuci baju, dan piring.