Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

A Solution of My Problem

Hi friends! Do you all know, today (19th Feb 2011) I'm just so confused. Why? Because I'm thinking of any book(s) to be written about in this blog! But, it makes me dizzy because there are so many I  books that I have (then I should select it and summarize it) . Suddenly (I've got this idea just now), I have a brilliant idea. The idea is: TELLING YOU WHAT BOOKS DO I LIKE! Well, it sounds good enough right? But there's a major problem! The problem is (I've got this problem when I wrote the beginning of this posting): I don't know what books I like. Because, remember, I have lots and lots of books in my mini library upstairs and my bookshelf. And I think I like all books except the books with a very scary story and messy paintings.Well, I'll tell you three top of my favorites. 

1. PRINCESS POOH is about Patty Jean that have a sister Penelope "Penny". Penny is cared a lot with her parents; that's what Patty thought. Patty called Penny Princess Pooh because she always sit on a wheelchair like a throne. But then, Patty knows that her parents loved her so much!

2. JUST A DREAM is about Walter, a litterbug, that learns that people need to remember about their environment and taking care of it. I had an posting about it in this blog.

3. The Evergreen is about a group of kids with their adventure to save a kid that was kidnapped. It uses Indonesian language and is written by Ninis. Published by Dar! Mizan Publisher. I also have a posting about it.

Well, that's all I want to share with u all. And please enjoy!!!



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