Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Snow White

Snow White is a princess in the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). She was the first princess and she started all. Want to know more? Check this out!

Princess Snow White, a beautiful fourteen year old girl with a wonderful, otherworldly singing voice, is seen working as a scullery maid in the kingdom. As she uses the well to scoop the bucket up with more water, she begins to sing; she is seen by a prince, who accidentally interrupts her singing, and she runs, embarrassed, into the castle. He sings back to her, and she acknowledges him by sending him a kiss, through a dove. She then retreats back into the castle.
Snow White's stepmother, the Queen, grows jealous of her stepdaughter because of her kindness and beauty. Fearing that one day her stepdaughter's beauty will surpass her own, she consults with her Magic Mirror, an animate object who confirms that the princess is indeed the fairest of them all. After she hears Snow White is still the fairest, she angrily orders her huntsman to take Snow White in to the forest to be killed. The huntsman recognizes how beautiful the princess is and soon can't bring himself to do so and instead tells her to run away into the forest to save herself from the Queen's wrath. Frightened, Snow White runs in to the forest and becomes very frightened. When finally out of the forest, she wearily falls to the ground and weeps. She soon finds consolation with some animal friends, who take her to a little cottage. Since the items and pieces of furniture are all so tiny, she assumes that the house is owned by seven children who possibly have no parents. It is revealed however that the cottage residents are seven dwarf miners, who are very surprised to see Snow White in their house when they return from the mines. Upon learning of her fate and identity, they agree to let her live in their house. During this time, she cooks, cleans, and cares for the dwarfs.
The Queen discovers that Snow White is still alive and drinks a potion to disguise herself as an old hag. She finds Snow White in the dwarfs' cottage while they are out at the mines and offers her a poisoned apple, telling it's a wishing apple and that one bite can make all her dreams come true. After Snow White makes a wish, she bites in to the apple and falls to the ground dropping it. The Queen cackles in triumph and leaves. The dwarfs arrive soon after and are unable to save Snow White, but they chase the Queen up a cliff. She attempts to roll a Boulder on them and laughs until Lightning crackles next to her and cracks the rock she is on and she falls to her death to be crushed by the Boulder herself.
Unwilling to bury Snow White, because of her beauty, the dwarfs build a glass coffin in which to lay her to rest. She is left in the woods, where the prince, who has been searching far and wide, finds her. He kisses her and she awakens. The two leave together to presumably be married and return to The Evil Queen's castle which is glowing in her presence.

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